Our Company

Registered and Incorporated in Zimbabwe, MAC Auction Services is a company that offers auctioneering services. The Company was borne out of the need to fill an existing gap in the market and in turn create employment in Zimbabwe thus contributing to the growth of the economy. Due to the limited number of players in the supply of our services there is a gap in the market. MAC Auction Services has indentified this opportunity and has put a strategy in place that will enable it to grow and become the market leader in this market segment.

Nature of Business

Our nature of business involves evaluation of the products to be disposed by our clients, assisting our clients to set reserve prices and bridging the gap between the company selling and buyers.


We are committed to making sure our clients appreciate the value of redundant and any goods available for sale. We bridge the gap between owners and buyers. We uphold the highest standard of reliable and efficient auctioneering


MacAuction Services endeavours to constantly improve to meet the requirements of the changing environment in the auction industry and upholding values of integrity and personalized services for our clients